Tuesday, May 7, 2013

the salamander

Coincidentally, I snapped this little guy right across the street from the restaurant Le Salamandre on the Ile d'Or (the "island of gold" in the Loire in front of the château).   There are also lots of them on and around the dikes on the left and right banks of the river.  I was lucky to get this close as they are quite skittish.


  1. Donc, pas étonnant que ce soit le symbole choisi par François Ier pour le représenter!

  2. To dry here for a lot of things, we do at times have little lizards wander through.

  3. Merci, Anne. Vous avez raison...j'aurais dû me rappeler ce fait sur le plus célèbre résident d'Amboise !

    Hey Joe. I guess the lizards and salamanders are very adaptable to climate. It certainly isn't too dry here (see tomorrow's post!).

  4. He doesn't look too happy about having his picture taken!

  5. Not sure about his happiness, but he certainly was suspicious. After I took one more step, he was gone.
