Wednesday, April 30, 2014

le pigeonnier

Les pigeonniers, also called dovecotes in English, are often found on farms and old estates.  As the names imply, these are shelters for pigeons or doves who enter and exit by small openings such as the rectangular ones here just under the roof.  The owners would collect the eggs and as well as the birds themselves for food.

The big job of renovating this old pigeonnier and converting it into human living space is currently being done by two American friends of mine.  The owners who have a larger home nearby plan to use it as guest quarters as well as for their own use.  All of the stone and timber framing in the structure will ensure that it will be a real show piece when finished.


  1. Replies
    1. Oui, il est très intéresant... et vieux.

  2. Wow what a good idea to restore it into a living space. You will be certainly the first one to see it finished. It looks like a little castle and seems to be situated in a nice place.
    About yesterdays comment, yes thanks parents I travelled a lot until last year when my life changed in one second . So I am really thankful to have seen so many different countries and people in my short life. Tomorrow is the 1st May with the little "brin de muguet" !

    1. Well, I inferred there was an unexpected change in your life, Tess. J'ai lu: "D'après le langage des fleurs, le muguet signifie « retour du bonheur » ". So shall it be.

    2. Thanks Sir, you are a very kind person and I always try to believe that hope dies last.

  3. A very noble enterprise! They are amazing buildings.

    1. Yes, it will require a lot of work... but these guys are up to it.

  4. Now that's a novel idea Stuart.. I'm guessing we might get to see the conversion when it's fini oui?

  5. It's a very distinctive looking structure. I don't think I've ever seen that here.

    1. They come in all sorts of designs. For example, many of them are round. There is no cookie-cutter design with these things.

  6. This would be neat to live in, though I'm not sure - actually, I am very sure - I'd not want to be the one cleaning it up!
