Saturday, February 15, 2014

le cormoran

The cormorants are so skittish that I have not been able to catch one within a reasonable distance.  Well, for once, I had my telephoto lens in place when I scared this guy from his wading in the shallows of the Loire.  So at least I was able to catch him on his escape route before he flew away into the distance.


  1. Since yesterday I have wings !
    This cormoran is the worthy successor of the pterosaurien. Simply beautiful.
    I wish you a.nice photo shooting week end.

    1. I can only imagine !

      And thanks for the ancestry of these cool birds. I had to look up pterosauria (English spelling) and I can certainly see how they are related. Especially that crooked neck which is so distinctive.

  2. Oh how I know what it's like to have the wrong lens on my camera when a great super photo op comes along! YAY! for being ready!

    1. Yes, Murphy was asleep this time and I had the right lens attached. Anyway, thanks, and must say that I aspire to shoot birds (so to speak) as well as you do.

  3. Great shot! Do you carry lenses with you on your outings or do you pick one before you go? I usually do the latter, then am disappointed when I want to change. I'm working on ways to take a second lens along on my walks so that it's easy to change when I want to.

    1. No, usually I'm like you and generally take just the one lens. I really prefer not to lug around a camera bag of stuff unless I think I'm going to use it. My "walking around lens" is a 24-105 zoom, so typically that covers the range I need. On this day, however, I went down to the river specifically to "shoot" the pigeons so I took my 55-250 zoom. And I was just lucky to catch the cormorant right after.

  4. Beautiful capture! And a remarkable bird.

    1. Yes, they are amazing. And so big. They are relentless hunters in the Loire.

  5. Bravo ! Belle photo ! says Jean Michel and I agree. Lovely.

  6. Oh well done Stuart you captured a super shot here.. it's not so easy to catch birds in flight, I've tried many times :)

    1. Of course I wish it had been sharper but I guess I was pretty lucky to get it all. I need to practice my panning.

  7. I only ever seem to see these guys in the water - usually diving as I aim!

    1. Same for me. That's why I'm feeling so lucky to catch him this time.,, the only time.
