Sunday, February 4, 2018

No, not yet

Alas this shot from five years ago is a reminder of how infrequently it snows here.  There are a few hints in the forecast that there could be some this week but it seems to me that the ground is just not cold enough to allow it to accumulate.  I'll never give up hope though.

BTW, this view is one of my favorites in Amboise.  I've taken it in almost every season and weather conditions  you can think of.  For example, here it is in spring.


  1. Yes! Aujourd'hui il neige en Pays de Loire et Stuart doit être un homme heureux.
    Nous avons eu de la chance de rentrer d'Espagne hier soir, juste avant les premiers flocons de la nuit.

    1. Bien sûr, je suis très content. En plus, Paris est aussi superbe sous la neige. On va a Madrid mercredi !
