Thursday, March 7, 2013

Azay-le-Rideau series - inside

Azay-le-Rideau has some nice furnishings on the inside.  Generally, the items found inside of the châteaux are not the originals but rather pieces collected that are representative of the times.  The detailing in this room is wonderful and it feels like dinner could be served at any moment.

Ooops.  Sorry for late post.  (Scheduled it incorrectly, duh).


  1. We were wondering all day long...what was happening in Amboise... even were we a bit worried.
    Nice picture again.

  2. Hello from your stateside fan club! Beatiful photos. Makes us that much more anxious to return.

  3. No one told me that one of the skills needed for blogging was to know the correct date. I'll try to pay more attention in the future. Thanks for your concern, Anne !
    And thanks, Joe. Please do come back.
